Sunday 30 October 2016

Happy Sunday

PANDA Says.... Good Morning and Happy Sunday.

We usually have a lot of attention in accumulating wealth (money, jewelry, properties, physical possessions etc). But the most important real treasures are thoughts and time. This two treasures get wasted away and we don't even care. Constant checking will help us realize and make us aware that we no longer waste our real treasures, but use them in a constructive way to accumulate all other treasures. 

Enjoy your Sunday wisely with lots of fun.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Friday 28 October 2016

10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way... 7/10

Do you wish to know the 10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way.

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take. At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives. If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction.

7. Not Wanting To Think About 
I Don’t want to think or talk about it?
This is a clear sign that you are failing to see the truth about the direction of your life. When you don’t want to talk or think about something important, it is often because intuitively you are afraid of hearing the answer. It may also be that you know what it is that you need to do, but you are afraid to take action on it. If you find yourself suppressing thoughts or being afraid to “go there”, it may help to reconnect with your soul and get clear about what it is that you truly want.

If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling. The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Thursday 27 October 2016

Stories for Meaningful Life # 31

# Story out sourced from Social Media
Happy reading to all ... It's awesome attitude
A Little boy went to a telephone booth which was at the cash counter of a store and dialed a number.
The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:
Boy: “Madam, can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?”
Woman: (at the other end of the phone line) “I already have someone to cut my lawn.”
Boy: “Madam, I will cut your lawn for half the price than the person who cuts your lawn now.”
Woman: “I’m very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting the lawn.”
Boy: (with more perseverance) “Madam, I’ll even sweep the floor and the stairs of your house for free.”
Woman: “No, thank you.”
With a smile on his face, the little boy put the receiver down.
The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.
Store-owner: “Son... I like your attitude;
I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job.”
Boy: “No thanks.”
Store-owner: “But you were really pleading for one.”
Boy: “No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have.
I am the one who is working for that lady I was talking to!”
This is called "Self-Appraisal”
Give your best and the world comes to you!
The Whole world is watching you!!
A famous quote said by Lord Krishna in Bhagvat Gita :
"If u don't fight for what u want,
Don't cry for what u lost..."
"Nothing depends on luck,
Everything depends on work
Even luck has to work."

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Success Story... 17 - Student Client

I have a very dear person named D at my heart..and she was once my student..she is working and was expecting some promotions which was not happening;

I asked her to recite some few chants.
Today her response has come as follows

Hi.. I got my increment... 40,000 now in hand per month... "suddenly somehow 520 divine magic begin "

Wow does it get any better than this?

Wow how can I be a cause to someone's happiness through some knowledge used tools.
Thank you thank you thank you god.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Click the link and send JOIN to Group request.

Todays Health Tip - PANEER

9 Reasons Why You Should Relish Paneer More Often
Paneer or cottage cheese is used in many tasty Indian dishes like paneer butter masala, paneer paratha, matar paneer. Besides dishes, a myriad of Indian sweets use paneer. Paneer is not only a delicious food to have, it is packed with countless nutrients that are excellent for health. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of paneer:
1 . Great Source Of Protein
Paneer is an excellent source of protein and is especially beneficial for vegetarian eaters who do not get any animal protein from their diet. One cup of paneer (226 grams) contains about 28 grams of protein. Protein is essential for muscle health and repair.
2 . Regulates Sugar Levels
Protein is slow to digest which means that it releases carbohydrates in a gradual manner. This means that there is no sugar spike after having paneer making it a good choice for diabetics.
3 . Helps In Weight Loss
Paneer contains linoleic acid which increases the process of burning fat in the body and hence helps in losing weight.Since paneer releases energy slowly, it helps you feel fuller for longer and reduces urges for unhealthy snacking.
4 . Fights Cancer
Linoleic acid present in paneer protects against cancer especially colon cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer.
5 . Strengthens Bones
Being rich in calcium and vitamin D, paneer is extremely useful for ensuring strong bones. Children should include more protein in their diet to ensure that they so not suffer from bone diseases like osteoporosis later in life.
6 . Controls Blood Pressure
Paneer contains potassium which helps in lowering blood pressure levels and is beneficial for hypertension patients.
7 . Improves Heart Health
Paneer contains omega 3 fatty acids which promotes heart health. It also controls lipid profiles and reduces risk of heart attack and stroke.
8 . Promotes Dental Health
The calcium and vitamin D combination of paneer helps maintain good teeth health and fight cavities. The low lactose content of paneer protects the enamel of teeth from harmful sugars.
9 . Relieves Joint Pain
Paneer contains omega 3 fatty acids which helps in fighting rheumatoid arthritis. It also relieves pain in the lower back and joints.
Paneer can be made easily at home by adding lemon or vinegar to boiling milk.Experts recommend eating paneer raw. You can add a bit of salt and pepper on freshly made paneer and eat it as a snack. You can also add it to your salads.  Paneer tikka is another tasty and healthy dish which can also be eaten as a snack. You can use paneer to make sweets like sandesh, kalakand and rasgulla. Paneer is high in calorie so it is better for people with an active lifestyle. Don’t have more than 50 gram of paneer in a day.Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy!

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Wednesday 26 October 2016

WED - 3 days retreat programme

Roop Lakhani   the pioneer of life transformational workshops and who has healed many  on live conducting the 3 days retreat with Life Changer TEUAS Workshop .call 9821612031 now to register your place .

Our past participants have as a result improved their relationships with their parents , spouses and siblings , they have become relaxed and better parents, some have found their soul mate , many have overcome childhood abuse -physical,mental and emotional, some have found their career path,some have  accelerated in financial growth, some have started showing improvements in health

It helps to grow in the spiritual journey and sets you free.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Karma Series # 20

Article sourced from Jain Philosophy

The state of total detachment enables the person to stay aware of his true nature. When such awareness becomes exclusive and remains uninterrupted, that is termed as omniscience. Thus total detachment is the precursor of omniscience.

The pure soul is inherently imbibed with infinite knowledge, infinite perception, and infinite bliss. But those properties are implicit in remaining aware of the true nature. The question therefore remains of illumination. But the life takes the body's soulful journey from illusion to illumination.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Sunday 23 October 2016

Happy Sunday

PANDA Says.... Good Morning and Happy Sunday.

We usually have a lot of attention in accumulating wealth (money, jewelry, properties, physical possessions etc). But the most important real treasures are thoughts and time. This two treasures get wasted away and we don't even care. Constant checking will help us realize and make us aware that we no longer waste our real treasures, but use them in a constructive way to accumulate all other treasures. 

Enjoy your Sunday wisely with lots of fun.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Friday 21 October 2016

10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way... 6/10

Do you wish to know the 10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way.

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take. At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives. If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction.

6. Getting Sick 
If you find yourself getting infections, coughs or colds repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and reconsider the direction of your life. It can also be a sign that you are making your life decisions based on what other people want and not what you want. Getting sick repeatedly is also a sign that you need to change your life in some way to support getting more rest, nourishment and enjoyment.

If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling. The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Thursday 20 October 2016

Vastu Tip # 54 - for Healthy Relationship

Have a Vastu compliant space for your highest growth...

Vastu Shastra is the scientific study of directions, which aims at creating equilibrium by balancing the different elements of nature and using them for the benefit of humans. There is a great importance of Vaastu shastra in our life, as it paves way for happiness and prosperity to knock our doors. Vastu is very rational in the sense that it is based on scientific study and not on assumptions.

Vastu extracts the positive energies of the five basic elements of nature - the solar energy of sun, lunar energy of moon, wind energy, magnetic effects of earth and heat energy of fire, balancing them to bring harmony in the life of a person.

When there is an imbalance between the five chief elements of nature, it turns into some sort of agitation, sorrow, failure, poor economic condition and many other negative results for a human being. 

Vastu Shastra comprises of one of the most suitable ways to overcome such problems. It suggests ways in which you can live in agreement with the laws of nature, so that you remain healthy, be peaceful and work efficiently. So, it is advisable to consult a good Vastu expert and follow his/her advice sincerely, when constructing a new structure.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Stories for Meaningful Life # 30

# Story out sourced from Social Media

Swami Vivekananda
Don't mess with intelligent people..
When Swami Vivekanand was studying law at the University College, London, a professor, whose last name was Peters, disliked him intensely.
One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch at the dining room when vivekananda came along with his tray and sat next to the professor.
The professor said, "Mr Vivekanand , you do not understand. A pig and a bird do not sit together to eat."
Vivekanandji looked at him as a parent would a rude child and calmly replied, "You do not worry professor. I'll fly away," and he went and sat at another table.
Mr. Peters,  reddened with rage, decided to take revenge.
The next day in Class he posed the following question: "Mr.Vivekanand , if you were walking down the street and found a package, and within was a bag of wisdom and another bag with money, which one would you take ?"
Without hesitating, Vivekanandji responded, "The one with the money, of course."
Mr. Peters , smiling sarcastically said, "I, in your place, would have taken the wisdom."
Swami Vivekanand shrugged and responded, "Each one takes what he doesn't have."
Mr. Peters, by this time was fit to be tied. So great was his anger that he wrote on Swami Vivekanand's exam sheet the word "idiot" and gave it to Swami Vivekanand.
Vivekanandji took the exam sheet and sat down at his desk trying very hard to remain calm while he contemplated his next move.
A  few  minutes later, Swami Vivekanand got up, went to the professor and told him in a dignified polite tone, "Mr. Peters, you signed the sheet, but you did not give me the grade."

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....