What does
2016 hold in store when we look at the New Year from a Numerological
The existence of individuals is based on cycles, vibrations that evolve regularly over time. Managing to deduce the number corresponding to the Universal year lets us understand the general trend for the year, therefore it is not a personal issue but an energy that regards the collective. Each universal year represents a kind of planetary vibration.
2016 is a 9 Universal Year, if you take the year and reduce it down to a single digit as such: 2+0+1+6=9. NINE is a finishing number, and represents the end of a cycle. It also is the number of the humanitarian. That means 2016 is a year of completion, kindness and forgiveness. Everything in numerology goes in a 9 year cycle, so we’ve come full circle since the last 9 year, 2016.
The Number 9 is about endings. But with endings come new beginnings. 2016 is a very karmic year. It is a time that we will receive the karma from the good or the bad we have done. It is likely we see will more break-ups.
2016 may also have to do a lot with the karma you’ve laid surrounding the situations. So you want to look at 2016 as year of completion. What you have started in the year of 2007 will probably come full circle now. Did you begin a relationship that year? For some of you, that may mean a second chance in a relationship. Perhaps you started work for a new company? Take a chance to go back over the past and revisit the things you would like or need to re-do.
I expect a lot of spiritual growth this year under the influence of the Number 9 year. There will be more and more people looking to a higher power for knowledge, direction and wisdom. This New Year will move quickly by so if you are one of those folks who have a lot to let go of, you’ll be able to sooner than later.
In the personal arena 2016 marks a time to finish projects, to decide about the next cycle of endeavour to begin in 2017, a year of beginnings, as it resonates to the number 1.
While personally you may be experiencing a different Personal Year Number, universally you can look forward this year starting busy, but tapering off to have a very quiet second half. Remember, your key words are completion, kindness and forgiveness. So whatever your resolutions are for 2016, take it easy on yourself, be kind to yourself and others, forget about dropping a few stray pounds and think about dropping that grudge you’ve been carrying around- you’ll feel so much lighter.
Ways to Work It:
Learn to meditate or practice deep breathing.
Declutter! Throw away old papers or clothes you haven’t worn in more than 2 years.
Redecorate your room or home.
Make amends, forgive hurts, pains and aches, forgive people too for whatever way they have upset you, write an apology letter to anyone if you feel you’ve done wrong or hurt anyone. Create peace in your heart.
Start a journal and record your dreams when you wake up.
Write a gratitude journal. Keep appreciating your own self, and also others.
Appreciate people. Love people. Accept people the way they are. Love yourself too.
Say goodbye (truly) to your ugly ex and ugly past and heal your heart. Give up your grudge and complains.
Learn how to enjoy solitude; master the art of being contentedly alone. Love yourself and all what you do.
Personal Year Number for 2016
This number is useful to know at personal level the particular vibrations that are experienced over this period; it describes what should be implemented during this time.
Having the possibility of understanding the goals favoured by a particular year means you won’t be anxious for any reason and not waste energy on purposes that are not facilitated by the particular energies of the year in question.
Calculate your Personal Year Number for 2016
Your Personal Year will shed light on the themes and issues you will encounter in the coming year. It is easy to calculate a Personal Year if you follow these steps:
Write down your date of birth
For example
Reduce the month and day to a single digit number as follows:
Next reduce your year to a single digit:
1+8=9Add the two digits calculated together to get 3+9=12=3
What is the value of 2016?
Add your number i.e. 3 to the value of 2016 i.e. 9 to get 12 which reduces to 3, to give you your Personal Year for 2016. So for this person, his/her Personal Year No. is 3 (Read Below - Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 3)
Using this simple explained method, each one of you can calculate your own and your dear ones Personal Year Number (1 to 9) and using below given ready reports, find out how this year would go...
Numerology 2016: Calculate from 1 to 9 using above method check your Personal Years For Each One of You.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 1:
Your personal year for 2016 is conditioning you to assert your will, sharpen your leadership skills, tend to your outward expression, and overall strengthen your sense of self. Sun symbols can help you tap this vibration when you need a stronger connection to the energy to empower yourself. New projects and new beginnings are on the way for you. Optimism and travel are likely. Being adventurous and light hearted to work care free as if future does not exist, can be your motto. Use more of red and orange colours.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 2:
Your 2016 personal year number is conditioning you to be more receptive and “connect” your essence with your experiences. You can access your flow here and enhance your nurturing aspects. Domestic gifts and skills in the creative, intuitive and craft fields can also do well through intentful tapping into this energy. Moon symbols and the silver colour can be used in meditation to increase connection with the energy. Take care of your emotional sides and keep them balanced. Higher degree and mystic work can be learned. Use more of whites and silver colours.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 3:
Your 2016 personal numeric vibration will condition you into expansion of the self and essentially a more optimistic and jovial affect. Your ambition is likely to increase this year, and you may find yourself far more talkative than usual. You can do well with your expansion of visionary endeavours and spiritual journeying. Travel is also a favourable activity under this vibration. Expansion in the work and spreading the fragrance and light to the world can be for few. Use creams and yellows.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 4:
Your 2016 personal year numerology is suggest a conditioning that increases intelligence, information and knowledge regarding your well being and helps you to be a more organized service person. The service theme will be more prominent than usual, and there may be humility, kindness and spirituality would be added to it. This vibration can connect you to your genius, and you may find yourself attracted to the energies easy for manifesting your dreams, desires and aspirations. Breaking from old out dated tradition is also common under this vibration. Your community may also call on you for communal service. Use more of blues, blacks.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 5:
Your 2016 personal year numerology brings a focus to the areas of self-expression and connections made in the mental realm and communication. This is an excellent year for healing and developing your voice and acquiring your own life definitions. Travel, communication and multitasking are possible during this time. Blue and green colours would suit you. Focus more on single goals rather than distracting in several directions.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 6:
Your 2016 personal vibration conditions your personal arts, balance (health), and magnetism. Learn to attract the things you need magnetically by meditating with right thinking. Focus positive healing energy on the areas where it’s most needed. Heart-warming reds, pinks, and pastel colours can be worked with to access this vibration. People in clothing, jewellery and designing, advertising will gain momentum.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 7:
Your 2016 personal year is a conditioning force for the deep-self or soul. Deep meditation can reveal major insights and deep psychic gifts. Creative visualizations and dream boards can open you to valuable insights. Deep-water different sea-green and sea-pastel colours can aid you in connecting with this energy. It will prove good to people who are professionals and in exports imports.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 8:
Your 2016 personal year’s numerology gives a clue into a conditioning of the frame work at your depths (on into the realm of the subtle self). It can be challenging and require work, but it can strengthen your constitution like nobody’s business. Ambition finds a solid place in the 8 vibration. Business-oriented persons can do especially well here. There may be a shrewdness that fosters wise actions and efforts that lead to very large returns on investments. Use this vibration to toughen up, and set firm foundations. The colours Navy, Black, and the darker hues of red, green, purple, indigo, etc suits you.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 9:
Your 2016 personal conditioning force for the year is a number of transformation and endings. It represents the end of a cycle. Under this vibration you will be very “fiery” and have a stronger access to personal power. Be careful how you wield it, and take special care when angry and around dangerous objects. The colour red and orange, peach and yellows suits you. It is time to complete unfinished tasks. It is time to finish unserving or non benefiting relations. Good time for people who are in construction, real estate and mining.
Friends, lets Welcome New Year 2016. 2015 could be a mix for few. Life is an incredible journey of questions and answers, relations and work activities, highs and lows. When the lows may happen, remember, this too shall Pass. When anger and frustration happens, remember we are sum total of our thoughts and we would attract what we are vibrating within. When you feel angry, upset sad and bad, remember you are meeting a mirror reflection to your own self and hence improvise within you... and last of all, remember, what you sow you shall reap... your karmas would come back to you in multifold... if you deserve to have nice future, then believe in doing good karmas, and start first, with good thoughts and pure intention in your karma, action will surely follow with bright rewards.
The existence of individuals is based on cycles, vibrations that evolve regularly over time. Managing to deduce the number corresponding to the Universal year lets us understand the general trend for the year, therefore it is not a personal issue but an energy that regards the collective. Each universal year represents a kind of planetary vibration.
2016 is a 9 Universal Year, if you take the year and reduce it down to a single digit as such: 2+0+1+6=9. NINE is a finishing number, and represents the end of a cycle. It also is the number of the humanitarian. That means 2016 is a year of completion, kindness and forgiveness. Everything in numerology goes in a 9 year cycle, so we’ve come full circle since the last 9 year, 2016.
The Number 9 is about endings. But with endings come new beginnings. 2016 is a very karmic year. It is a time that we will receive the karma from the good or the bad we have done. It is likely we see will more break-ups.
2016 may also have to do a lot with the karma you’ve laid surrounding the situations. So you want to look at 2016 as year of completion. What you have started in the year of 2007 will probably come full circle now. Did you begin a relationship that year? For some of you, that may mean a second chance in a relationship. Perhaps you started work for a new company? Take a chance to go back over the past and revisit the things you would like or need to re-do.
I expect a lot of spiritual growth this year under the influence of the Number 9 year. There will be more and more people looking to a higher power for knowledge, direction and wisdom. This New Year will move quickly by so if you are one of those folks who have a lot to let go of, you’ll be able to sooner than later.
In the personal arena 2016 marks a time to finish projects, to decide about the next cycle of endeavour to begin in 2017, a year of beginnings, as it resonates to the number 1.
While personally you may be experiencing a different Personal Year Number, universally you can look forward this year starting busy, but tapering off to have a very quiet second half. Remember, your key words are completion, kindness and forgiveness. So whatever your resolutions are for 2016, take it easy on yourself, be kind to yourself and others, forget about dropping a few stray pounds and think about dropping that grudge you’ve been carrying around- you’ll feel so much lighter.
Ways to Work It:
Learn to meditate or practice deep breathing.
Declutter! Throw away old papers or clothes you haven’t worn in more than 2 years.
Redecorate your room or home.
Make amends, forgive hurts, pains and aches, forgive people too for whatever way they have upset you, write an apology letter to anyone if you feel you’ve done wrong or hurt anyone. Create peace in your heart.
Start a journal and record your dreams when you wake up.
Write a gratitude journal. Keep appreciating your own self, and also others.
Appreciate people. Love people. Accept people the way they are. Love yourself too.
Say goodbye (truly) to your ugly ex and ugly past and heal your heart. Give up your grudge and complains.
Learn how to enjoy solitude; master the art of being contentedly alone. Love yourself and all what you do.
Personal Year Number for 2016
This number is useful to know at personal level the particular vibrations that are experienced over this period; it describes what should be implemented during this time.
Having the possibility of understanding the goals favoured by a particular year means you won’t be anxious for any reason and not waste energy on purposes that are not facilitated by the particular energies of the year in question.
Calculate your Personal Year Number for 2016
Your Personal Year will shed light on the themes and issues you will encounter in the coming year. It is easy to calculate a Personal Year if you follow these steps:
Write down your date of birth
For example
Reduce the month and day to a single digit number as follows:
Next reduce your year to a single digit:
1+8=9Add the two digits calculated together to get 3+9=12=3
What is the value of 2016?
Add your number i.e. 3 to the value of 2016 i.e. 9 to get 12 which reduces to 3, to give you your Personal Year for 2016. So for this person, his/her Personal Year No. is 3 (Read Below - Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 3)
Using this simple explained method, each one of you can calculate your own and your dear ones Personal Year Number (1 to 9) and using below given ready reports, find out how this year would go...
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 1:
Your personal year for 2016 is conditioning you to assert your will, sharpen your leadership skills, tend to your outward expression, and overall strengthen your sense of self. Sun symbols can help you tap this vibration when you need a stronger connection to the energy to empower yourself. New projects and new beginnings are on the way for you. Optimism and travel are likely. Being adventurous and light hearted to work care free as if future does not exist, can be your motto. Use more of red and orange colours.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 2:
Your 2016 personal year number is conditioning you to be more receptive and “connect” your essence with your experiences. You can access your flow here and enhance your nurturing aspects. Domestic gifts and skills in the creative, intuitive and craft fields can also do well through intentful tapping into this energy. Moon symbols and the silver colour can be used in meditation to increase connection with the energy. Take care of your emotional sides and keep them balanced. Higher degree and mystic work can be learned. Use more of whites and silver colours.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 3:
Your 2016 personal numeric vibration will condition you into expansion of the self and essentially a more optimistic and jovial affect. Your ambition is likely to increase this year, and you may find yourself far more talkative than usual. You can do well with your expansion of visionary endeavours and spiritual journeying. Travel is also a favourable activity under this vibration. Expansion in the work and spreading the fragrance and light to the world can be for few. Use creams and yellows.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 4:
Your 2016 personal year numerology is suggest a conditioning that increases intelligence, information and knowledge regarding your well being and helps you to be a more organized service person. The service theme will be more prominent than usual, and there may be humility, kindness and spirituality would be added to it. This vibration can connect you to your genius, and you may find yourself attracted to the energies easy for manifesting your dreams, desires and aspirations. Breaking from old out dated tradition is also common under this vibration. Your community may also call on you for communal service. Use more of blues, blacks.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 5:
Your 2016 personal year numerology brings a focus to the areas of self-expression and connections made in the mental realm and communication. This is an excellent year for healing and developing your voice and acquiring your own life definitions. Travel, communication and multitasking are possible during this time. Blue and green colours would suit you. Focus more on single goals rather than distracting in several directions.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 6:
Your 2016 personal vibration conditions your personal arts, balance (health), and magnetism. Learn to attract the things you need magnetically by meditating with right thinking. Focus positive healing energy on the areas where it’s most needed. Heart-warming reds, pinks, and pastel colours can be worked with to access this vibration. People in clothing, jewellery and designing, advertising will gain momentum.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 7:
Your 2016 personal year is a conditioning force for the deep-self or soul. Deep meditation can reveal major insights and deep psychic gifts. Creative visualizations and dream boards can open you to valuable insights. Deep-water different sea-green and sea-pastel colours can aid you in connecting with this energy. It will prove good to people who are professionals and in exports imports.
2016 Numerology: Personal Year Number 8:
Your 2016 personal year’s numerology gives a clue into a conditioning of the frame work at your depths (on into the realm of the subtle self). It can be challenging and require work, but it can strengthen your constitution like nobody’s business. Ambition finds a solid place in the 8 vibration. Business-oriented persons can do especially well here. There may be a shrewdness that fosters wise actions and efforts that lead to very large returns on investments. Use this vibration to toughen up, and set firm foundations. The colours Navy, Black, and the darker hues of red, green, purple, indigo, etc suits you.
Numerology 2016: Personal Year Number 9:
Your 2016 personal conditioning force for the year is a number of transformation and endings. It represents the end of a cycle. Under this vibration you will be very “fiery” and have a stronger access to personal power. Be careful how you wield it, and take special care when angry and around dangerous objects. The colour red and orange, peach and yellows suits you. It is time to complete unfinished tasks. It is time to finish unserving or non benefiting relations. Good time for people who are in construction, real estate and mining.
Friends, lets Welcome New Year 2016. 2015 could be a mix for few. Life is an incredible journey of questions and answers, relations and work activities, highs and lows. When the lows may happen, remember, this too shall Pass. When anger and frustration happens, remember we are sum total of our thoughts and we would attract what we are vibrating within. When you feel angry, upset sad and bad, remember you are meeting a mirror reflection to your own self and hence improvise within you... and last of all, remember, what you sow you shall reap... your karmas would come back to you in multifold... if you deserve to have nice future, then believe in doing good karmas, and start first, with good thoughts and pure intention in your karma, action will surely follow with bright rewards.
We are each one creator of our own
destiny which begins Now. Live and enjoy Now moment. We can write the book of
Life, and become the authors whether Joyful Life or painful Life, that choice
is ours. We can create the best by
making best choices. Life can take you through series of test and challenges,
take them as your lessons to shape you. Take failures as feed backs and grow
from them. Situations are nothing, but the meaning we give to the situations
and that will create the attitude to life, whether lively, alive or sad.
Depending on our attitude, either we can make it or break the relations, all
depends on us. We all are Wonderful, Brilliant, Shining Gem and each one unique
in its own, incomparable. The latent talents are hidden and that is why we are
here on this earth to see them and gift it to the world. Remain open, ready and
willing to be tuned and aligned in Higher Vibration of Love, joy and compassion
and release lower vibrations such as greed, anger, hatred and jealousy. Get
ready with different awareness to inspire you, motivate yourself as a SOUL-AR
BEING OF LIGHT AND LOVE. Love yourself and others. Accept yourself and others.
book an appointment for detailed personalized & accurate combined Numerological and
Tarot Readings for Finance, Relationship, Work, Health, Love Life or
Any Other Questions and find Peace, Happiness and Growth from your future anxieties.
Wishing you great 2016.
Roop Lakhani – Consultant,
Trainer & Healer
Web: www.rooplakhani.co.in
Mobile: +91 98216 12031
E - mail: roop@tarotfuture.com
Web: www.rooplakhani.co.in
Mobile: +91 98216 12031
E - mail: roop@tarotfuture.com
CHECK your 2016 Prediction done by Tarot Cards on... below link

oh wow this is very deep. I see myself in a lot of what you say for 2016. In this case, you calculate only with the date of birth but question: where does combining date of birth and full name for the calculation come in? Some numerologists suggest that your full name is important as well.
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