Monday 26 February 2024

oveome mental fatiiigue

[22/02, 19:40] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 1)*

We all require regular periods of silence and introversion in our fast lifestyle with busy days, where most of us, have a lot of actions to perform. So, a good question to ask oneself is that do I like a mind which is full of thoughts or do I like it with fewer thoughts and greater spaces between them. Once upon a time, there was a group of people travelling from one country to another on foot. They had great loads to carry on their backs and it was a tiring journey. By the time, they reached their destination, they had lost a lot of energy and their enthusiasm was at its lowest. Their task was to carry stuff from one place to another. Who would not like a life with lesser physical weight to carry? In the same manner, our emotional carriers are our minds which carry the weight of our thoughts. The fewer the thoughts and the lighter they are, the more our minds will be light and always enthusiastic. *Let’s look at five techniques to keep our minds light and flying in joy always:* 

*1. Create One Thought At A Time* – A mind which is anxious and full of fear thinks excessively and faster than what is required at that point of time. Also, such a mind sometimes creates negative and false future realities, which increase the number of thoughts, as it anticipates and then tries to solve non-existent problems that have not yet occurred, but the mind fears that they may occur. This is what we commonly negative thinking. On the other hand, positive thinking is the visualization of positive scenes for the future, with complete hope and determination. When we do this regularly in all types of situations, our mind slows down and every thought is like a little atom which sits inside the mind and keeps us relaxed, comfortable and free from any burdens.

(To be continued tomorrow …)  

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[22/02, 19:40] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 2)*

*2. Think Of Others Only When Necessary* – A common habit that we all have is to think of others even when it is not necessary and important. Suppose a person in your office is not performing well and upto his necessary capacity and his work efficiency directly influences your company’s performance, a common response would be to correct him and also talk about his work to the right people in the company. Once you have done that, should you think about him negatively each time you see him or should you keep talking about him negatively to each and every person in the company, which is called waste or unnecessary talk. There are so many such people in our lives. If we carry heavy thoughts filled with negativity about each family member, friend and office colleague, will it not be tiring? So apply the full stop, give up the unnecessary question marks and also exclamation marks in your thoughts. Keep your thoughts less and replace negative thoughts about others with thoughts about their specialties, qualities and skills as well as positive personality characteristics, so that you do not get tired and experience mental fatigue.

*3. Give Up Your Ego And Live Freely* – A very big weight that some of us are carrying on our emotional heads or minds is of our subtle ego. This morning my colleague at my college or at my workplace commented negatively on my dress I was wearing. She commented and I did not see her the entire day after that, but I carry her comment in my mind and heart as if it was the biggest insult that I ever received from anyone. Where there is excessive ego, there is immense feeling of insult. Why? Because I am too attached to my positive self-image and I cannot tolerate anyone disrespecting the image even a little bit. So be sweet, humble and kind - the one who does not get negatively affected by people’s comments and loves everyone inspite of that. Bow down and be humble and your excessive thoughts of feeling insulted in your everyday interactions will stop and keep your mind light.   

(To be continued tomorrow …)

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[23/02, 06:07] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 3)*

*4. Live Life As A Beautiful Journey Without Any Burdens Of Situations* – A very important practice for experiencing life without getting burdened is to enjoy the journey. Have you ever seen a journey without side scenes? In the same way, life’s journey will always have scenes that are sometimes negative and sometimes positive. And remember no scenes stay forever. So, while looking at each scene, be free from any anxiety and worry because as we know from our life’s experience – _This also shall pass._ The present becomes the past and the future will be beautiful. No negative situation lasts forever and a patient wait with a consciousness full of peace will always bring us to a point in the journey, when the scene has gone and the beautiful journey continues. This is a law of life. Also, the more we remain detached from side scenes in our life’s journey, the more happier and full of lightness we will be. 

*5. Your Thoughts Create Your Life … Be Your Own Monitor* – A very important aspect of keeping your thoughts less and very positive and light and remaining free from mental fatigue, is checking your thoughts from time to time throughout the day. One is changing the direction of your thoughts to a positive one, when they are becoming negative and building up in quantity and negative strength and disturbing you. This can be done by keeping a book or any other source of positive reading on your mobile or laptop with you. Read it in the day from time to time. Do it 4-5 times a day and you will be able to change the direction of your thinking easily. Also, when you end the day, review your thoughts of the entire day that has passed and make corrections for the next day. The next morning, plan your tasks for the day and include regular short breaks for self-checking of your thoughts along with them.

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[24/02, 09:17] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *Team Meetings And How To Be A Part Of Them*  

A team meeting provides a chance to learn, share and collaborate to work towards a common goal. Often, we carry our ego and impatience into a meeting. This is when a dialogue turns into an argument. 

1. Team meetings are an opportunity to share and learn something new which you can apply to your work or personal life. It is also a time to meaningfully connect with people.

2. On the day you have a meeting planned, meditate in the morning for an inner preparation of how your mind is going to be in the meeting, while executing your list of things to do. Visualize yourself in the meeting with your team – listening patiently, stating your views respectfully, standing for the right, empowering others to think right.

3. To accept people in a meeting does not mean that you allow anyone to do anything. It just means you hold on to your values and radiate your pure intentions without getting disturbed. By carrying the right attitude, you motivate others to bring out their best. 

4. You may have the best idea in a meeting but detach from your idea while listening to others. Be ready to change your opinion if needed. Intention should only be to benefit the aim of the meeting. Intention should never be to impress or please people. Do not doubt your idea just because others reject it.

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻