Archangel Metatron's
Message– A New Cycle.
From today, a new cycle is about to begin in your life.
Recognize that everything works the way it should. It is time to begin to believe in yourself and start planning today, where you will go in the future.
The more positive your outlook and plans, the better your prospect for success. Recognize that you are currently choosing to feel stuck, trapped and helpless. It is time to take charge of your own life, and ‘choose to choose’.
Know that you have the innate ability to deal with whatever life brings you. Draw on your strengths, to break and overcome the obstacles you currently face.
Problems in your life often arise due to the denial of your shadow self, personal self-esteem is essential to overcoming these problems. You must learn to accept yourself, for with acceptance comes inner peace.
We commend your determination, commitment and perseverance to life. Learn to look for the positives in life, for it takes no more effort to think big, than to think small.
Remember that a miracle is always possible, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Enjoy each moment life offers you, remember when you try, you can be truly inspiring.
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