Tuesday 1 October 2024

October energy report

Hello Beautiful Being,

It's always a blessing for me to connect with you in this way! Welcome August month!

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Although the October month is 10 th month, 10 + 2024 = brings to number 9. Let us see what energies the Power of 9 - The Hermit in Tarot, Mars, and Numerology brings

October brings with it transformative energies, as we step into the vibration of Number 9—a powerful force in Tarot, numerology, and astrology. The themes of this month are introspection, completion, and personal transformation. The influence of the Hermit (Tarot), Number 9 (Numerology), and Mars (Astrology) points to a period of inner work, a time to resolve past issues, and to channel our energy wisely.  We just got finished with Pitra paksha, period of cleansing, and a new period to begin fresh after cleaning. Navratri is coming up to bring Durga devimas energies.  

These festivals, with their rich cultural and spiritual significance, mirror the key energies of October—introspection, completion, and action. By participating in or reflecting on these traditions, we can align ourselves with the powerful cosmic forces that October brings.

Embracing October’s Energy through Festivals

1. Introspection and Spiritual Growth (Navaratri, Valmiki Jayanti): Both Navaratri and Valmiki Jayanti emphasize the importance of inner work, spiritual growth, and self-transformation. Much like the Hermit Tarot card, these festivals invite us to step back, retreat from the external world, and reconnect with our true selves. Whether through fasting, meditating, or devotional practices, these festivals encourage us to reflect on our spiritual journey and focus on personal evolution.

2. Completion and Rebirth (Dussehra): Dussehra symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the completion of a cycle of struggles and challenges. In the same way, the energy of Number 9 in numerology brings the vibration of completion and resolution. Dussehra reminds us that after every challenge comes renewal, reinforcing the theme of closure and preparing for new beginnings.

3. Balancing Action with Reflection (Mars and Karva Chauth): The fiery energy of Mars teaches us to act with purpose and courage, which is also reflected in the devotion and discipline seen during Karva Chauth. While Mars propels us toward bold action, Karva Chauth’s fasting and devotion remind us that sometimes restraint and self-discipline are necessary before taking major steps. It’s a month to balance contemplation with decisive movement, ensuring that our actions are guided by inner clarity.

4. Celebrating Abundance and Healing (Sharad Purnima): Sharad Purnima aligns with the idea of renewal and abundance after a period of reflection. The full moon’s healing energy invites us to refresh our minds and spirits, connecting to the universal flow of prosperity and health. This festival helps us close out the cycle of the year with gratitude, spiritual healing, and preparation for the next phase of growth.

The Hindu festivals in October offer a perfect reflection of the cosmic energies at play this month. The introspective nature of Navaratri, the completion and victory of Dussehra, the devotional discipline of Karva Chauth, and the abundance and renewal of Sharad Purnima all serve to guide us through the journey of October, from inner reflection to outward action.

By tuning into these sacred celebrations, we align ourselves with the energy of Number 9, the wisdom of the Hermit, and the dynamic force of Mars, allowing us to grow spiritually, release the past, and step forward into a more conscious and empowered future. October is a month of completion, but also one of deep transformation—an opportunity to honor what has been and prepare for what is to come.

Incorporating the lessons and practices from these festivals into our daily lives can help us navigate the transformative energies of October with mindfulness, devotion, and courage. As we embrace the spirit of the festivals, we open ourselves to the full potential of this powerful month, ready to step into the future with clarity and purpose.

This month is a call to balance reflection with action, as we prepare for new beginnings ahead.

Tarot Insight: The Hermit (Major Arcana)

The Tarot card for October is The Hermit, symbolizing deep introspection, wisdom, and spiritual guidance.

Inner Guidance: The Hermit represents a time to retreat from the noise of the external world and turn inward. It’s a call to find clarity by seeking answers within, to embrace solitude, and to reconnect with your inner wisdom.

Illumination through Reflection: The Hermit carries a lantern, a symbol of illumination and knowledge. This month, you are invited to shine a light on the parts of your life that need deeper understanding or resolution.

Letting Go of the Old: The Hermit often appears at the end of a journey, signaling a time of closure. In October, you may be called to reflect on lessons learned and release what no longer serves you, preparing for the next cycle of growth.
Actionable Tip: Spend time journaling, meditating, or simply in solitude to gain clarity on personal or spiritual matters.

Numerology: The Power of Number 9

In numerology, Number 9 is associated with endings, completion, and humanitarianism.

Completion and Fulfillment: October’s numerology energy is focused on wrapping up unfinished business. It’s a time to evaluate what has come full circle and what needs to be released as you prepare for a fresh start.

Selflessness and Compassion: The energy of 9 is compassionate and humanitarian. This month encourages you to look beyond personal concerns and consider how you can contribute to the greater good. It's a reminder to act with kindness and empathy.

Spiritual Awakening: Number 9 represents spiritual enlightenment. October’s energy supports deep personal growth and the expansion of your higher consciousness.

Actionable Tip: Reflect on any unresolved issues from the past, and focus on letting go with forgiveness and compassion to create space for new beginnings.

Astrology: Mars, the Planet of Action (Number 9 Influence)

In astrology, Mars, the ruler of action, energy, and drive, is associated with Number 9.

Dynamic Energy: Mars brings with it a surge of action-oriented energy, propelling you forward. While The Hermit encourages introspection, Mars provides the spark you need to take decisive action when necessary.

Balancing Action and Reflection: October is a month of balancing the introspective energy of The Hermit with the active force of Mars. Use this dynamic combination to reflect deeply, but also be ready to take bold action when the time is right.

Passion and Courage: Mars infuses the month with passion and determination. This energy can help you pursue goals with courage, but be mindful of potential impatience or aggression.

Actionable Tip: Focus your energy wisely—take time to reflect before making big decisions, but don’t hesitate to act once you have clarity.

Summary: October’s Energy Forecast - A Time for Transformation

October is a powerful month of inner reflection, completion, and decisive action. The combined energy of The Hermit (Tarot), Number 9 (Numerology), and Mars (Astrology) highlights a delicate balance between introspection and action. This month invites you to go within, release the old, and step forward with renewed purpose and energy.

Key themes to focus on in October:

Self-reflection: Spend time in quiet contemplation to gain clarity and insight.

Completion: Wrap up unfinished projects or emotional matters, letting go of what no longer serves you.

Decisive Action: Channel Mars’ energy into taking bold steps forward once you feel grounded and clear.

October serves as a transitional month, preparing us for new beginnings as we move toward the end of the year. Embrace the energy of 9 to complete this chapter with grace, compassion, and courage.

Closing Thought:

As October unfolds, take time to honor both your inner journey and the outer actions you need to take. The balance between The Hermit’s wisdom and Mars’ action creates a powerful force for growth, setting you up for the transformative months ahead.

Ending with Gratitude:

"As we wrap up this journey through October’s energies, remember that this month is not just about introspection or action alone—it’s about balance. October is a time to integrate the wisdom we gain through reflection with the strength we summon for bold steps forward. Whether through spiritual practice, mindful living, or taking decisive actions, trust that each moment is leading you closer to your highest self. In this process, remember to extend gratitude not only to the people and situations around you but also to yourself—for the journey you’ve traveled, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the growth you’ve experienced.

Let this be a time of gratitude for both the lessons and the blessings that this month brings, as we continue to align with our deeper purpose and prepare for what is to come. May you find peace in your heart, clarity in your mind, and strength in your actions as you step forward into the rest of this transformative year."

Final Reflective Questions:

1. How have I transformed throughout the course of this month, and what insights have I gained from this introspection?

2. What aspects of my life can I nurture with newfound wisdom as I prepare for the next phase of my journey?

3. How can I continue to cultivate balance between inner reflection and outer action beyond this month?

4. In what ways can I express gratitude more deeply, both to myself and to the universe for guiding me through this cycle of change?

5. What intentions or goals can I set for the future that align with the completion of this cycle?

Final Affirmations:

1. "I honor my journey and trust that every experience has guided me toward my highest good."

2. "I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the strength I have gained."

3. "I embrace balance in all aspects of my life, integrating reflection with purposeful action."

4. "I am fully aligned with my inner wisdom, and I trust that the universe supports me in my growth."

5. "I am prepared and excited for the next chapter, knowing that I carry with me the insights of this transformative month."

As you move forward into the rest of the year, carry these affirmations and reflections with you, allowing the energies of October to empower you with wisdom, courage, and balance. May this month serve as a powerful reminder that transformation begins within, and through mindfulness and purposeful action, you can create the life you truly desire.

Lots of cheers to your wisdom, courage and balance
Roop Lakhani
Your transformation Coach and Mindset Healer
Tarot coach and Numerologist


