Today and tomorrow -23rd and 24th Aug'16 are astrologically very crucial due to planetary conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio - one of the most intense nature's war.
This is the best time to be used as transformation. Time and situation for transforming our unwanted, adharmi and negative patterns of emotions, behaviour, relations and beliefs.
This can be achieved by practicing intensively any intense spiritual sadhana with positve sankalpa (visual creation and affirmation), with love and care for self and others; with an understanding that such moments of turmoil can be a positive turning in our lives only if faced courageously with love and care for all those who are involved in the situations.
Fears and sadness need to be converted to and treated as challenges and opportunities towards achieving our goals of life.
Do Meditate, Pray, Heal, Chant Mantras, practice Reiki and other meditative sadhana specially in these 2 days
Heal and Harmonize Yourself.
Heal and Harmonize Your Relations
Heal and Harmonize the Earth by practicing your share of Love, Care, Courage and Meditation
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