Monday 7 October 2024

How to Overcome Mental Fatigue

"Rest is not a reward for your exhaustion; it’s the renewal your soul needs to keep shining. In giving yourself time to pause, you reclaim the strength to move forward." - Roop Lakhani 

Mental fatigue is a state of exhaustion that occurs when your mind has been overworked or overstressed for an extended period. It’s more than just feeling tired; it’s a deep sense of mental weariness that makes it difficult to concentrate, process information, or even feel motivated.

Imagine your mind like a battery, constantly powering through tasks, responsibilities, and emotions. When you're mentally fatigued, that battery is drained, leaving you feeling foggy, sluggish, and unable to function at your best. It often sneaks up on you, especially if you've been juggling multiple demands, pushing through stress, or neglecting to give yourself the rest and care you need.

It’s not just about how much you’re doing but also how deeply your mind is engaged. Whether it’s from relentless problem-solving, emotional stress, or just too much screen time, mental fatigue can feel like you're stuck in a mental haze. Even things that normally bring you joy or excitement might feel like chores, and that’s when you know your mind is asking for a break.

But mental fatigue doesn’t mean you’re weak or incapable; it’s a sign that your brain needs recovery, just like your body does after physical exertion. Listening to those signals is crucial for your well-being.

If you're feeling this way, it's okay. It’s a reminder that you’ve been giving a lot of yourself, and now it’s time to pause, recharge, and treat yourself with compassion. It's important to recognize that you're not alone in this, and giving yourself permission to rest is the first step to restoring your energy.
Overcoming mental fatigue, especially when you’ve been running on empty, starts with recognizing that you deserve care and restoration. It’s not about pushing harder but about listening to what your mind and body are telling you—acknowledging that you’ve been carrying a heavy load and it’s time to set it down, even if just for a while.

1. Create Space for Rest

Give yourself permission to slow down. Your mind, like your body, needs rest. This could mean taking a few minutes each day to simply breathe, or even allowing yourself to step away from tasks that drain you. If you’ve been carrying the weight of responsibilities, it’s okay to say, “I need this time for myself.”

2. Reconnect with What You Love

Remember the things that bring you joy, but may have fallen to the side during your busy days—whether it’s reading, gardening, listening to music, or just taking a quiet walk. These activities refill your emotional and mental cup. Doing what lights you up, even for a little while, helps your mind recover.

3. Let Go of Overwhelm

If your to-do list is never-ending, try tackling it one small step at a time. Prioritize what really needs to be done and give yourself grace for the rest. Overwhelm builds mental fatigue, so breaking things into manageable chunks lets your brain breathe.

4. Nourish Your Body, Heal Your Mind

Eating foods that give you sustained energy—like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—helps fuel your mind, too. Drinking water throughout the day may seem simple, but dehydration can amplify mental exhaustion. Nourishing your body is an act of kindness toward your tired mind.

5. Find Peace in Stillness

Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help reset your mental energy. Even if it’s just a few minutes of quiet, being still allows your mind to rest from the constant stream of thoughts and worries. It’s a way to give your mind a break from “doing” and just focus on “being.”

6. Embrace Movement for Clarity

Light physical movement, like stretching or going for a walk, can help shake off that mental fog. Moving your body gently helps release tension and clears your mind. Think of it as refreshing your mental space, giving it room to breathe.

7. Be Gentle with Yourself

Perhaps most importantly, be kind to yourself. Mental fatigue often comes with a sense of guilt for not doing “enough,” but it’s important to remember that you’re doing the best you can. Allow yourself to rest without judgment, knowing that you are enough, even when you're tired.

By tending to your mental and emotional needs, one small step at a time, you'll find that the heaviness begins to lift. You’ll feel lighter, more focused, and more able to take on the day—not because you pushed through the fatigue, but because you cared for yourself through it.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

October energy report

Hello Beautiful Being,

It's always a blessing for me to connect with you in this way! Welcome August month!

 Thank you for reading the monthwise energy articles. 
You can always share the article with like minded people if you feel like.

Although the October month is 10 th month, 10 + 2024 = brings to number 9. Let us see what energies the Power of 9 - The Hermit in Tarot, Mars, and Numerology brings

October brings with it transformative energies, as we step into the vibration of Number 9—a powerful force in Tarot, numerology, and astrology. The themes of this month are introspection, completion, and personal transformation. The influence of the Hermit (Tarot), Number 9 (Numerology), and Mars (Astrology) points to a period of inner work, a time to resolve past issues, and to channel our energy wisely.  We just got finished with Pitra paksha, period of cleansing, and a new period to begin fresh after cleaning. Navratri is coming up to bring Durga devimas energies.  

These festivals, with their rich cultural and spiritual significance, mirror the key energies of October—introspection, completion, and action. By participating in or reflecting on these traditions, we can align ourselves with the powerful cosmic forces that October brings.

Embracing October’s Energy through Festivals

1. Introspection and Spiritual Growth (Navaratri, Valmiki Jayanti): Both Navaratri and Valmiki Jayanti emphasize the importance of inner work, spiritual growth, and self-transformation. Much like the Hermit Tarot card, these festivals invite us to step back, retreat from the external world, and reconnect with our true selves. Whether through fasting, meditating, or devotional practices, these festivals encourage us to reflect on our spiritual journey and focus on personal evolution.

2. Completion and Rebirth (Dussehra): Dussehra symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the completion of a cycle of struggles and challenges. In the same way, the energy of Number 9 in numerology brings the vibration of completion and resolution. Dussehra reminds us that after every challenge comes renewal, reinforcing the theme of closure and preparing for new beginnings.

3. Balancing Action with Reflection (Mars and Karva Chauth): The fiery energy of Mars teaches us to act with purpose and courage, which is also reflected in the devotion and discipline seen during Karva Chauth. While Mars propels us toward bold action, Karva Chauth’s fasting and devotion remind us that sometimes restraint and self-discipline are necessary before taking major steps. It’s a month to balance contemplation with decisive movement, ensuring that our actions are guided by inner clarity.

4. Celebrating Abundance and Healing (Sharad Purnima): Sharad Purnima aligns with the idea of renewal and abundance after a period of reflection. The full moon’s healing energy invites us to refresh our minds and spirits, connecting to the universal flow of prosperity and health. This festival helps us close out the cycle of the year with gratitude, spiritual healing, and preparation for the next phase of growth.

The Hindu festivals in October offer a perfect reflection of the cosmic energies at play this month. The introspective nature of Navaratri, the completion and victory of Dussehra, the devotional discipline of Karva Chauth, and the abundance and renewal of Sharad Purnima all serve to guide us through the journey of October, from inner reflection to outward action.

By tuning into these sacred celebrations, we align ourselves with the energy of Number 9, the wisdom of the Hermit, and the dynamic force of Mars, allowing us to grow spiritually, release the past, and step forward into a more conscious and empowered future. October is a month of completion, but also one of deep transformation—an opportunity to honor what has been and prepare for what is to come.

Incorporating the lessons and practices from these festivals into our daily lives can help us navigate the transformative energies of October with mindfulness, devotion, and courage. As we embrace the spirit of the festivals, we open ourselves to the full potential of this powerful month, ready to step into the future with clarity and purpose.

This month is a call to balance reflection with action, as we prepare for new beginnings ahead.

Tarot Insight: The Hermit (Major Arcana)

The Tarot card for October is The Hermit, symbolizing deep introspection, wisdom, and spiritual guidance.

Inner Guidance: The Hermit represents a time to retreat from the noise of the external world and turn inward. It’s a call to find clarity by seeking answers within, to embrace solitude, and to reconnect with your inner wisdom.

Illumination through Reflection: The Hermit carries a lantern, a symbol of illumination and knowledge. This month, you are invited to shine a light on the parts of your life that need deeper understanding or resolution.

Letting Go of the Old: The Hermit often appears at the end of a journey, signaling a time of closure. In October, you may be called to reflect on lessons learned and release what no longer serves you, preparing for the next cycle of growth.
Actionable Tip: Spend time journaling, meditating, or simply in solitude to gain clarity on personal or spiritual matters.

Numerology: The Power of Number 9

In numerology, Number 9 is associated with endings, completion, and humanitarianism.

Completion and Fulfillment: October’s numerology energy is focused on wrapping up unfinished business. It’s a time to evaluate what has come full circle and what needs to be released as you prepare for a fresh start.

Selflessness and Compassion: The energy of 9 is compassionate and humanitarian. This month encourages you to look beyond personal concerns and consider how you can contribute to the greater good. It's a reminder to act with kindness and empathy.

Spiritual Awakening: Number 9 represents spiritual enlightenment. October’s energy supports deep personal growth and the expansion of your higher consciousness.

Actionable Tip: Reflect on any unresolved issues from the past, and focus on letting go with forgiveness and compassion to create space for new beginnings.

Astrology: Mars, the Planet of Action (Number 9 Influence)

In astrology, Mars, the ruler of action, energy, and drive, is associated with Number 9.

Dynamic Energy: Mars brings with it a surge of action-oriented energy, propelling you forward. While The Hermit encourages introspection, Mars provides the spark you need to take decisive action when necessary.

Balancing Action and Reflection: October is a month of balancing the introspective energy of The Hermit with the active force of Mars. Use this dynamic combination to reflect deeply, but also be ready to take bold action when the time is right.

Passion and Courage: Mars infuses the month with passion and determination. This energy can help you pursue goals with courage, but be mindful of potential impatience or aggression.

Actionable Tip: Focus your energy wisely—take time to reflect before making big decisions, but don’t hesitate to act once you have clarity.

Summary: October’s Energy Forecast - A Time for Transformation

October is a powerful month of inner reflection, completion, and decisive action. The combined energy of The Hermit (Tarot), Number 9 (Numerology), and Mars (Astrology) highlights a delicate balance between introspection and action. This month invites you to go within, release the old, and step forward with renewed purpose and energy.

Key themes to focus on in October:

Self-reflection: Spend time in quiet contemplation to gain clarity and insight.

Completion: Wrap up unfinished projects or emotional matters, letting go of what no longer serves you.

Decisive Action: Channel Mars’ energy into taking bold steps forward once you feel grounded and clear.

October serves as a transitional month, preparing us for new beginnings as we move toward the end of the year. Embrace the energy of 9 to complete this chapter with grace, compassion, and courage.

Closing Thought:

As October unfolds, take time to honor both your inner journey and the outer actions you need to take. The balance between The Hermit’s wisdom and Mars’ action creates a powerful force for growth, setting you up for the transformative months ahead.

Ending with Gratitude:

"As we wrap up this journey through October’s energies, remember that this month is not just about introspection or action alone—it’s about balance. October is a time to integrate the wisdom we gain through reflection with the strength we summon for bold steps forward. Whether through spiritual practice, mindful living, or taking decisive actions, trust that each moment is leading you closer to your highest self. In this process, remember to extend gratitude not only to the people and situations around you but also to yourself—for the journey you’ve traveled, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the growth you’ve experienced.

Let this be a time of gratitude for both the lessons and the blessings that this month brings, as we continue to align with our deeper purpose and prepare for what is to come. May you find peace in your heart, clarity in your mind, and strength in your actions as you step forward into the rest of this transformative year."

Final Reflective Questions:

1. How have I transformed throughout the course of this month, and what insights have I gained from this introspection?

2. What aspects of my life can I nurture with newfound wisdom as I prepare for the next phase of my journey?

3. How can I continue to cultivate balance between inner reflection and outer action beyond this month?

4. In what ways can I express gratitude more deeply, both to myself and to the universe for guiding me through this cycle of change?

5. What intentions or goals can I set for the future that align with the completion of this cycle?

Final Affirmations:

1. "I honor my journey and trust that every experience has guided me toward my highest good."

2. "I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the strength I have gained."

3. "I embrace balance in all aspects of my life, integrating reflection with purposeful action."

4. "I am fully aligned with my inner wisdom, and I trust that the universe supports me in my growth."

5. "I am prepared and excited for the next chapter, knowing that I carry with me the insights of this transformative month."

As you move forward into the rest of the year, carry these affirmations and reflections with you, allowing the energies of October to empower you with wisdom, courage, and balance. May this month serve as a powerful reminder that transformation begins within, and through mindfulness and purposeful action, you can create the life you truly desire.

Lots of cheers to your wisdom, courage and balance
Roop Lakhani
Your transformation Coach and Mindset Healer
Tarot coach and Numerologist

Monday 26 February 2024

oveome mental fatiiigue

[22/02, 19:40] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 1)*

We all require regular periods of silence and introversion in our fast lifestyle with busy days, where most of us, have a lot of actions to perform. So, a good question to ask oneself is that do I like a mind which is full of thoughts or do I like it with fewer thoughts and greater spaces between them. Once upon a time, there was a group of people travelling from one country to another on foot. They had great loads to carry on their backs and it was a tiring journey. By the time, they reached their destination, they had lost a lot of energy and their enthusiasm was at its lowest. Their task was to carry stuff from one place to another. Who would not like a life with lesser physical weight to carry? In the same manner, our emotional carriers are our minds which carry the weight of our thoughts. The fewer the thoughts and the lighter they are, the more our minds will be light and always enthusiastic. *Let’s look at five techniques to keep our minds light and flying in joy always:* 

*1. Create One Thought At A Time* – A mind which is anxious and full of fear thinks excessively and faster than what is required at that point of time. Also, such a mind sometimes creates negative and false future realities, which increase the number of thoughts, as it anticipates and then tries to solve non-existent problems that have not yet occurred, but the mind fears that they may occur. This is what we commonly negative thinking. On the other hand, positive thinking is the visualization of positive scenes for the future, with complete hope and determination. When we do this regularly in all types of situations, our mind slows down and every thought is like a little atom which sits inside the mind and keeps us relaxed, comfortable and free from any burdens.

(To be continued tomorrow …)  

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[22/02, 19:40] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 2)*

*2. Think Of Others Only When Necessary* – A common habit that we all have is to think of others even when it is not necessary and important. Suppose a person in your office is not performing well and upto his necessary capacity and his work efficiency directly influences your company’s performance, a common response would be to correct him and also talk about his work to the right people in the company. Once you have done that, should you think about him negatively each time you see him or should you keep talking about him negatively to each and every person in the company, which is called waste or unnecessary talk. There are so many such people in our lives. If we carry heavy thoughts filled with negativity about each family member, friend and office colleague, will it not be tiring? So apply the full stop, give up the unnecessary question marks and also exclamation marks in your thoughts. Keep your thoughts less and replace negative thoughts about others with thoughts about their specialties, qualities and skills as well as positive personality characteristics, so that you do not get tired and experience mental fatigue.

*3. Give Up Your Ego And Live Freely* – A very big weight that some of us are carrying on our emotional heads or minds is of our subtle ego. This morning my colleague at my college or at my workplace commented negatively on my dress I was wearing. She commented and I did not see her the entire day after that, but I carry her comment in my mind and heart as if it was the biggest insult that I ever received from anyone. Where there is excessive ego, there is immense feeling of insult. Why? Because I am too attached to my positive self-image and I cannot tolerate anyone disrespecting the image even a little bit. So be sweet, humble and kind - the one who does not get negatively affected by people’s comments and loves everyone inspite of that. Bow down and be humble and your excessive thoughts of feeling insulted in your everyday interactions will stop and keep your mind light.   

(To be continued tomorrow …)

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[23/02, 06:07] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *5 Tips For Overcoming Mental Fatigue (Part 3)*

*4. Live Life As A Beautiful Journey Without Any Burdens Of Situations* – A very important practice for experiencing life without getting burdened is to enjoy the journey. Have you ever seen a journey without side scenes? In the same way, life’s journey will always have scenes that are sometimes negative and sometimes positive. And remember no scenes stay forever. So, while looking at each scene, be free from any anxiety and worry because as we know from our life’s experience – _This also shall pass._ The present becomes the past and the future will be beautiful. No negative situation lasts forever and a patient wait with a consciousness full of peace will always bring us to a point in the journey, when the scene has gone and the beautiful journey continues. This is a law of life. Also, the more we remain detached from side scenes in our life’s journey, the more happier and full of lightness we will be. 

*5. Your Thoughts Create Your Life … Be Your Own Monitor* – A very important aspect of keeping your thoughts less and very positive and light and remaining free from mental fatigue, is checking your thoughts from time to time throughout the day. One is changing the direction of your thoughts to a positive one, when they are becoming negative and building up in quantity and negative strength and disturbing you. This can be done by keeping a book or any other source of positive reading on your mobile or laptop with you. Read it in the day from time to time. Do it 4-5 times a day and you will be able to change the direction of your thinking easily. Also, when you end the day, review your thoughts of the entire day that has passed and make corrections for the next day. The next morning, plan your tasks for the day and include regular short breaks for self-checking of your thoughts along with them.

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻
[24/02, 09:17] Healer Archana Dhurandhar (Roop): *Team Meetings And How To Be A Part Of Them*  

A team meeting provides a chance to learn, share and collaborate to work towards a common goal. Often, we carry our ego and impatience into a meeting. This is when a dialogue turns into an argument. 

1. Team meetings are an opportunity to share and learn something new which you can apply to your work or personal life. It is also a time to meaningfully connect with people.

2. On the day you have a meeting planned, meditate in the morning for an inner preparation of how your mind is going to be in the meeting, while executing your list of things to do. Visualize yourself in the meeting with your team – listening patiently, stating your views respectfully, standing for the right, empowering others to think right.

3. To accept people in a meeting does not mean that you allow anyone to do anything. It just means you hold on to your values and radiate your pure intentions without getting disturbed. By carrying the right attitude, you motivate others to bring out their best. 

4. You may have the best idea in a meeting but detach from your idea while listening to others. Be ready to change your opinion if needed. Intention should only be to benefit the aim of the meeting. Intention should never be to impress or please people. Do not doubt your idea just because others reject it.

- Awakening With Brahma Kumaris 🙏🏻

Friday 10 July 2020

How difficult it is for you to deal with blame and criticism?

It is easy to blame others
It is easy to gossip on someone
It is easy to damage someone's reputation or image without much thinking
It is easy to bad mouth anyone
It is easy to criticise anyone
It is easy to just speak anything without much thinking
It is easy to be righteous
It is easy to be egoistic
It is easy to be judgemental and put everything in right and wrong box

But how difficult it becomes for a recipient to deal with it? Isn't it difficult to live in today's time with so much stress,tensions and worries? Thinking further, how easy it would become if we have to live in peaceful world?

 It is really difficult to live with toxic people in current times of uncertainities and insecurities... and it is so diificult to deal with people who are critical and blaming. 

The world is not kind to anyone. Maybe because each one is wounded here.
Also no one is sensitive to others feelings
No one is aware of their own emotion no one is aware of the root of the negative emotions
No one really wish to go deeper and introspective
No one is bothered about others.

Let's have some brain storming ideas.
Let us start with each one of us doing a bit of chewing some thoughts more mindfully. Let us inspire, motivate and empower ourselves. Let us awaken. Let us offload past emotional hurts and betrayal, some emotional wounds and past baggage.


How to deal with criticism and good and bad judgements in balanced manner and remain unaffected?
In this article I may be able to share few insights on to how to deal with criticisms and blaming people,  and not allow yourself to get isoalated or hide in a corner or feel bad, sad, upset or angry.

Recently I went through such an experience and I was deeply affected and was isolating myself from lots of family people, as I was deeply hurt. Hence I felt like sharing this article.

I would give my best in family, make sure take care of my in laws so that they are comfortable, will speak mindfully so that they are comfortable and not get hurt anywhere, I would keep myself busy around them taking small small care,  spend quality time with them, play cards with them, offer food of their choice and more. I would go beyond myself to please them, and give all comforts.

One day my mother in law stopped talking to me, stopped responding me and I was wondering why?
I kept asking, she did not respond.
I said sorry without knowing from her the reason of she not talking to me.
Fourth day my sister in law criticises me and blames me for no fault of mine and I wonder from where this is all coming. And the light strikes, that may be mother in law must have said something to her daughter, who is my daughter in law. I was going throughprevious days talks,  thinking what talk could be that. 

The reason of this sharing is not to portray anyone wrong or right, not even portray them as bad people, but the reason to share this is,  we all go through similar situations often and we don't know how to deal with it.

Inspite of being a healer, and I being a human,  I was deeply affected as I am very attached to my inlaws. I would care for my inlaws more than anything. I was crying as I was hurt and blamed by my sister in law. I isolated myself, was keeping sad and gloomy, and kept working on myself to release hurt.. it was just not going... tried various techniques but nothing helped me... tried self talks but that was in vain...nothing was working tobe at peace...tried one of my colleague friend to give me therapy... Still it did not work to bring me at peace..
My husband, my son, my daughter in law, my other sister in law was explaining me... But nothing helped me to get rid of my hurt feelings and e at peace..

So I allowed myself to remain in the same state saying, it is ok to feel hurt... first I allowed myself to feel what I am feeling, and then  I allowed myself to feel without any I had accepted that space I was hurt... 

When I was little better,
I kept asking my self few Questions
Was it my fault?
My conscience said, no
Have you done anything wrong?
My conscience said, no
Did I take proper care of my inlaws?
My conscience said, yes
Then why am I hurting myself so much when the episode was over?
my conscience said, you are right
Why are you hurting so much with same painful thoughts again and again?
I asked myself, How do I not remain hurt?
My conscience said, forget and forgive your sister in law
Forget and forgive yourself
Forget and forgive your mother in law
Get going with your normal life, offload the past event and accept yourself the way you are and others the way they are
There is no need to put any judgements to it why this happened and you don't need to judge anyone here.. also you don't have to hurt yourself with those thoughts
I started forgetting and forgiving. I even used hoopponopo prayer.

Finally after so many internal dialogues and convincing my inner mind,  I was in a balanced emotional state and resilient.

In normal circumstance with similar experience, I started thinking how I would deal with my clients in the similar situations and I tried that technology with myself. I distanced myself from that event, started seeing from a distance, and disassociating myself from the emotional charge of that event. I got a little better with that neutral observer attitude and with aware acceptance.

Being a spiritual catalyst, I often understand the laws of karma so I was explaining to myself, may be I have hurt someone or blamed someone or criticised someone in my past life or this life, so it may have come in reverse order for me to experience what is the feelings like. I even released the guilt I attached with it.

The purpose for me to share my personal story is, we often go through such experiences many a times. It can be called as normal. But I wish to bring this into awareness of people's mind, by saying, let us not call this as normal. We all have become abnormal to see it as normal. 

How would it be to live in a world of peaceful, non judgemental and compassionate people? Will it not be a great feelings?!! I would call that as normal.

How would that be if we all can handle people's sensitivities with our mindful words, actions and behaviours?

How would that be if we can be more mindful of our triggered emotions and loose words that comes out of immediate anger or hurt?

Constructive criticism definitely helps a person to grow. In NLP we have learnt constructive criticism as FEEDFORWARD. ( Another word for feedback) means if you are not okay with a person, you first take permission to deliver that communication first by taking permission and then putting them in right words that will forward the person in polite way, putting aside your ego, grudge, hurt and anger. It can be delivered in a manner that is more compassionate and contributed to make the difference. The ability to hear and truly listen to people’s feedforward, improves relationships.

Plus, if you can learn to put aside your ego and not use harsh or rude or critical words,  this can propel you forward personally and professionally.

Criticism is a term for judgment or evaluation, good or bad. Let constructive criticism be like feedforward ( another word of feedback)  I have shared many insights in my previous article on judgement, 'is judgement contagious?'

Any time someone gives you criticism, they’re evaluating you against specific standards or image in their minds. Anytime some one blames you, it is they are percieving the situation as if something wrong or bad attempts have been made according to their standard definition or image.

Judging the person from right or wrong approach is the most dangerous thing we can do to anyone.
We need to become more open minded and free minded to not judge anyone
There is nothing right and wrong if you actually open yourself to be compassionate,  loving and accpting person.
If you are holding any such energies in yourself, critical people would attract yourself and 

People may criticize you openly in public, out of sheer resentment- have you ever been on social media? I would say what people have experienced and retained in them, they remove it on others without thinking twice... This happens why, because we do not reflect, introspect and process the negative emotional charge and reactions.

This process needs to pass through  three important requirements
All what others says is not the truth
You don't have to accept others words as truth
Let people say what they want, you check your intentions of what you did or said,  why you did and said and were there any hidden agenda or selfish agenda for saying it... If your conscience is clear, forget the triggering event

Also if it is repeatedly happening, are you having anything in subconscious?
Each one of us is projecting our inner dark side on others... Every one is extension of our own selves. So check if anything has happened earlier like that?

And if we are attracting that situations or manifested that episode, then what is inside you needs to be changed?

Now that you know not everyone with opinions on you is going against you, let’s look at how to defuse and use other people’s feedback for the best.

Yes being a healer, I insist one should focus on the inner thoughts and feelings. One should focus on how to deliver your feelings on others using mindful words. One should not use loose words. One should avoid direct confrontation and should give benefit of doubt or clarity so that one can understand both side of story, both parties versions or points of views. One should be compassionate and sensitive to others and know how it would be recieved. People should give criticism in a way that indicates care for the recipient, and it should come from someone the recipient respects. 

Listen honestly for a critic’s intention
Many people get defensive at the mere possibility of negative feedback. But no one’s perfect. It’s okay to think about your strengths and weaknesses.

When you’re about to receive either type of feedback, approach the situation with an open mind, so you can understand the difference.

Decide if feedback is constructive or destructive
Think about whether feedback is coming from someone who cares about you, references an area you want to improve in, or specifies how to get better.

ISome people criticize others to cement a never-ending power trip. You’ll usually be able to recognize this if the criticism is used for pulling someone down.

Or perhaps the feedback is followed up with demeaning or self-aggrandizing language. 

However, your reaction to criticism should vary depending on its intention. If you prefer, choose a different style of communication, and let the petson know.

If they push back, you might find they just wanted to be judge and be executioner without even attempting a legal degree, as if their judging is perfect.

f someone has given you feedback with a genuine view to helping you improve, Thank them. You got an opportunity to grow, improve and learn because of them.
People who provide you with helpful feedback want you to achieve your goals. Even if it hurts to hear what you did wrong, remember their intentions, and make plans to act on constructive criticism and take actions.

Avoid reacting and exploding. Think with cool mind and respond.

.Minimize encounters with harmful and negative people. There are lots of positive people.

Cut the chords with them. When you spend a lot of time with anyone, you are bound to develop invisible cords that keeps exchanging the vibrations.
It’s sad but true, some people are too soft and some people love tearing them down. it may be the right time to cut them off, even if they’re the people closest to you.

It is time to stand on your ground firmly rather than crying. Standing your ground against toxic people, is a way to build a strong identity. It is a way to become strong and confident. It is time to be emotionally balanced. 
Flushing toxic people out from your life can serve your soul good strength.  

Saturday 24 December 2016

5 Secrets to Blissful Relationships

5 Secrets to Blissful Relationship
Have you ever seen a couple who
had been together for 30 or 40 years and wondered what
their secret was?  Once you learn these five
secrets of blissful relationships and put them into
practice, you'll be amazed at just how easy it can be
to have a great relationship...

1.    Clear Expectations
Clear expectations are the foundation of trust,
compassion and understanding. You hear a lot of talk
about trust these days, but finding a person you can
trust to be in a close relationship with you is
difficult. Contrary to common belief, this honesty is
much less the cause of mistrust than ambiguous and unclear

If you and your partner are unclear about what the
expectations of the relationship are (for both sides),
you're left with only assumptions... and assumptions
almost always lead to disappointments, which are
perceived as violations of trust.
2.    Great Sex
Okay maybe people don't talk about
this one much but the human body is biologically wired
for sexual bliss... and that' not going to change. While
great sex isn't a principle which you can build an
entire relationship on, it does add a delightful
dimension to your relationship that few couples ever
get to find.

And so what's the secret to having a great sex life?
First and foremost is open and honest communication
about what each person wants. Biologically, sex works
out pretty well and without a lot of extra effort...just
because of the way our bodies are wired. But making it
great requires clear communication and reciprocity.
And speaking of reciprocity...

3.    Reciprocity
There is no such thing as something for nothing, and
this will apply to pretty much every area of life: your
financial life, your relationships, your health, your
career and your emotional well-being. If one partner is
giving too much and the other is taking too much, the
relationship is always on its way downhill. But if you
focus on meeting your partner's needs according to their
expectations (instead of your own), they'll be much
more likely to reciprocate.

Again, this is one of the reasons why clear
expectations are so important. Many people try to
practice reciprocity, but instead of giving their
partner what they need, they give based
on what they ASSUME that they need. So reciprocity
requires clear expectations in order to make a
relationship blissful.

4.    Playfulness
Life is too short to be in a relationship where you
can't have fun and be a little playful with your partner.
One of the greatest joys in adult experiences can be acting
a little childlike, and you need someone in your life
who will share this experience with you. Of course,
there are many different types of senses of humor, it's
important to find someone who thinks the way that you
do and who finds humor in the same things.

5.    Perpetual Courtship
Too many couples start off on a really great note by
working hard to please each other during the courting
stage of the relationship, only to slack off once the
"new" wears off. Make a commitment to court your partner
every day of your relationship, even if you've been
together for decades. This will inspire reciprocity
and, together with the above four principles, will
help you to build a blissful relationship.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

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Thursday 8 December 2016

Success Story... 23 - Different Various Issues

I have clients for various different issues...

This one client had feelings from 3 different guys that they are rejecting her...
After digging through many layers she got an insight for the problem...eureka!!!

She realised that she was rejecting her own self and her looks and appearance..
I gave her the following affirmation..and now she has lovingly and willingly accepted her looks and appearance...slowly she will find the right guy for marriage too..

Moral: many of us have tendency to not appreciate ones own self or even reject ones own looks and appearance. .to my dear readers if you are resonating with the self rejection fever, start doing following affirmation

Affirm : I make peace with every rejected part inside of me  and outside of me. I love and accept myself fully and unconditionally. Today I live freely with the joy of acceptance. I am one with universe.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Click the link and send JOIN to Group request.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Success Story... 22 - Past Reading

I met a client of mine named N for tarot reading after 2 months again...

She reminded me regarding the reading she had done and told me that whatever I had said regarding some painful relationship which had ended in hurt,  was predicted by me as karmic and she wanted to really knew why such a beautiful relationship ended like that...and I kept giving her some insights with what she could handle herself better.

This time she had come for the healing of some pain at heart and shoulder level which had put her at so much discomfort.  With two big hours of sessions, she could really feel pain free and felt relieved.  Not only that she could also knew what thoughts and feelings was giving that pain again.  She also knew how to do self healing in case if she gets the pain back...

She went back home with so much comfort and smiles...

As soon as she went home she got the pain the mind keeps doing drama to invite pains again...

She messaged me and I again helped her with more insights to what different thoughts she has programmed and habituated herself in thinking which is bringing pain again. ..

She got relieved again with lots of realization and understanding..

Now 3 days are past and she has no complains of pain

How can I be more and more thankful to the clients who really believes and have faith on me...and also believes what is good for them in their mental and emotional world..where to restructure and how to restructure?

Thank you god

Thank you universe
How can I help and more and more of people to understand their health problems...pocpod
To your healthy and happy life

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Click the link and send JOIN to Group request.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Success Story... 21 - Law of Action vs Reaction

How the law of action versus reaction is true in relationships.

I often wonder..

I had a client ...she came with lots of tears in her eyes ..she had harsh argument and ill feelings exchanged with one of her friend whom she was very close to.  

She realised that she was been accused and humiliated by the same person with whom she had shared a very good emotion bond.. and it was in front of few other friends...she reacted back when it went above her threshold limits to hear..

She was carrying lots of guilt feeling and not worthy of herself...she realised that she may loose many friends in the process..she kep beating herself ..

After the healing session she was carrying big smile and confidence in her heart to how she can gear the situation with positive spirits and how she can mend that powerfully. .her guilt and not worthy feelings had vanished. ..

How can it be more better than this to see people confident and smiling ?
How can I be more and more gratitude to my clients who walks in my place to seek right guidance insights and support?

Thank you god
Thank you universe
Thank you for all those forces knowledge and people 

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Click the link and send JOIN to Group request.

Friday 18 November 2016

10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way... 10/10

Do you wish to know the 10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong way.

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take. At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives. If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction.

10. Feeling BoredIf you find yourself feeling bored with life, it is a very good sign that you are not living up to your fullest potential.

Life is amazing and full of opportunities, there is no reason that you should feel bored. Feeling bored comes when you have become too comfortable with your life and are perhaps running on auto pilot rather than living each day to its fullest.
If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling. The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Thursday 17 November 2016

Success Story... 20 - Job reading

A girl named R came to me for tarot consultation in January 16 for her inquiries regarding job. She was applying various places and was giving interviews but nothing was getting materialized. 

With the sense of frustration and hopelessness she had all the questions about when she can find the job...

I had told her that she would get in April month. I had also told her she would not get with big fat salary .

She came on 25th April to tell me that she has found the job. It is paying her same as old job and not much of perks.

I have guided her to go with it with lot more insights.
How can u be grateful to her for coming back to inform me that my readings were accurate.
How can I have more and more of clients who has faith in tarot and tarot reading done by me?
Thank you Universe for connecting me to many..

FOR any Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops ... Contact
Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
Mob: +91 98216 12031 - Email-

Friends, come and join my fun filled, interactive and educating group on Facebook called as "TAROT - MYSTICISM - HEALING" 
You will learn a lot about Tarot, Mysticism, Astrology, Vastu, Workshops, Remedies, Readings, Learning, Solutions etc....

Click the link and send JOIN to Group request.