Friday, 15 April 2016

Love Consciousness on Ram Navmi

We as a human being has the ability to replicate that attribute of divinity only to prove that we are all from the same source of higher consciousness.
We all crave for love. Right from birth the two most important emotions that rules us is love and fear.

Why cany we be love?  Why cant we believe in giving love ratger than asking for love?  Beimg a healer i know so many reasons why people crave for love,  why people go through abuses,  drama and chaos on the name of recieving love,  why people chamge tgeir personality on the name of having loving relations?

What if we say we ourselves are Love, what would it change for us?  What would it chamge for the world? If we express anything other than love to the outside World,  then we do not reflect our true loving self. It can be egoic self.  Heart is a barometer of Love, which reflects immediately when we deviate from it. We all crave for good feelings but paradoxically we all create the drama and see the heart barometer  scale zero or poor strength. Many a times, we neglect to notice and land up in regret later. Many a times ego does not allow to be loving. Many a times the past conditioning is so strong to not allow to be there..many a times past exeriences makes us non loving person...more and more of such..

Love is in giving without any expectations. Any other form of expression closer to that would be only affection. We need to clearly understand whether we can love peoeple unconditionally, by remaining unjudegemental? Can we be showering our affectionate warm feelings to others without being it so difficult?  Can we forgiving? Can we be more unconditionally accepting. ?

In human relationship, this keeps tangling between the two to understand that expressed love with certain expectations. That is why disappointment and conflict arises in close relationships and loved ones. There were never love that existed in the first placement in those relationship anytime.

There is a need to have a constant check on us to re-validate what is emanating from us is only love. One has to work a lot to change oneself to bring in that conditioning to be love. Then, everything we touch becomes love. It is a powerful force which can break all barriers.

Can we be changing from rigid patterns?  Can we be loving and not egoic?  What would it take for each one of us to begin on this Ram Navmi day to be more and more loving and accepting?
To your love filled days
Roop Lakhani