Friday, 10 June 2016

Words of Wisdom Series # 20 - HEALTH AND HELP


God answers prayer in His own way, not ours. He knows when to answer and how much to give.

How many times we have prayed and prayed but our prayers were not answered?

How many times we get angry with God saying why with me?

How many times we had immense faith in God and it got shaken with some unpleasant unexpected shaking experiences?

If we are prompted to ask for spiritual blessings for ourselves or others, how do we best do this?

It is best to simply ask the divine for health and help. As human beings, we are not capable of seeing the big picture for anyone's situation. As a result, we are not able to judge what is best for anyone, including ourselves.

The Higher Power always knows the best, and the general prayer for 'health and help' acknowledges the wisdom that exists there and our faith in Divine Will. When our will and Divine Will becomes same, and when we vibrate with high frequencies, may be we will know what to ask and when our prayers will be answered...we will exactly know how to connect with God’s or The Source Wifi to have downloading of the information and answers we are seeking through prayers.

So how do we do it?? Simple...put your hand on your heart, connect to your soul...connect to The Supreme Soul..pray for who ever’s health and help you wish to ask for....feel the connection in true integrity and authenticity....when you are done, say thank you three times to The Supreme Divine Soul for listening to your prayers and do what you want to..

Hoping for your Divine Connection with God.

Words of Wisdom Series by - 
Roop Lakhani

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