Assume Innocence
A fool does not get affected by anyone's judgement or criticism or harsh remarks...
Can we all become like this? Can we all at-least can make an attempt to destroy and uncreate all that remarks, judgments and critical harsh statement which has pulled us down, made us sad and angry, made us bitterful people?
Sometimes the other person has a good reason or excuse for doing something, but all too often we assume they don’t. We think ill of them. Yes, sometimes the person actually is being a jerk, but we typically don’t know which is the case. Appearances can be deceiving, and good explanations aren’t always right at hand.
The problem is that when we fail to assume innocence first, we end up judging other people. We get angry, and we increase our separation from others instead of being loving and non-judgmental and becoming one with each other. But if we have to assume something, why not assume innocence first? It’s a good place to start. So with that in mind, try doing this simple exercise today:
Whenever you find yourself feeling angry or disgusted by something someone else does, consider why she may have done that. Or think about how you may be misunderstanding what happened. But do we really go so deep? Or do we just keep reacting and getting triggered out of our past wounds? And often we also become the same like that other person whom we did not like?
Yes, perhaps you are just making up a story, but when you get mad and judge someone, you’re also making up a story, and it’s one that creates more aggravation in the world. Usually, when all is said and done, all we are left with is the story we’ve told ourselves, so why not make it a nice story.
Exercise - Today let us start with a small exercise..
Think about one judgmental remark or some words which is going on in your head and has bothered you with upset mess and anger... bring all those feelings and emotion and thoughts you had at that time but you may have forgotten with time..declare and command to yourself... today is the last day of this thoughts and feelings in my energetic field... I am giving permission to go...this really is not required for my highest good. .and allow it to let go... allow it to go without much attachments and pains and resistance...
Let us all celebrate 1st April fools day differently.
To your innocent days
Roop Lakhani
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