Saturday, 21 May 2016

No More Excuses # 11

Often the life comes with challenges and many priorities, how much ever we plan some always remain last and some always remain as a dream that may not come true..and we often have reasons and excuses to justify for not doing it..
One of the excuse is...

I’m not smart enough –
Have you gone through. ?

There is miss India are very beautiful... you feel you don't have general knowledge... you say... I am not smart enough.

You have a smart I6 phone and you have forgotten the email I'd with what it starts... now you just don't remember it... and your phone is not working...u would say... I am not smart enough.

You are in job and the boss asks you to prepare some presentation in certain time limits and you are incapable to make it all alone by itself as all the time someone was helping to make it  and that someone is not around to help you... you say I am not smart enough.

Affirm...  I am a creation of the Divine mind; all is perfect, and I am a genius in my own right. I am unique. I am perfect the way I am..I accept my flaws and strengths

Affirmations serve two different purposes in your life:
1. They retrain your way of thinking
2. You are putting your positive energy into the universe
to your smart days.

  Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
  Mob: +91 98216 12031 -
  FB Link:


Friends, everyone MUST read my post on "WHY SUICIDE" atleast once and share with all their family and friends. This request is being made because i have received such powerful and positive feedback of this post. Incidentally this post arises from my own life experience followed with how i dealt using my will power and knowledge. What i have shared in this post was not known to me earlier. This post can help to save and change many people's life. So please copy the link and share among your dear ones...