Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Tips for emotional financial life growth

Sourced from Facebook Group

For Continuous Emotional,  Financial and Life Growth,  
follow this affirmation -

" My Beloved,  Beautiful God / Creator / Lord,

I am ready to release all self - destructive thoughts,  vows,  that I may have made in any other life time including present. 

I ask that You completely Sever,  Undo,  and Untangle me from thoughts and any vows from poverty,  self - denial or self - destruction that is not allowing me to move forward,  or make me feel stranded. 

I Ask that all effects of these vows n thoughts Now and forever be undone in all directions of time for everyone involved. TOGETHER WITH THE DIVINE I ALLOW KARMIC UNZIP to Occur in My Space!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

The  switchword to chant is TOGETHER WITH THE DIVINE,  KARMIC UNZIP

  Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
  Mob: +91 98216 12031 

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