Saturday, 7 May 2016

No More Excuses # 7

Often the life comes with challenges and many priorities, how much ever we plan some always remain last and some always remain as a dream that may not come true..and we often have reasons and excuses to justify for not doing it..
One of the excuse is...

I can’t afford it –
How many times have you felt it?

When you wish to buy a new year party dress and you really like it but when you see the price tag, you say I can't afford it.
When you go to a friends house for housewarming party and you see beautiful well decorated spacious house, you say I can't afford it..
Your friends are going for a foreign trip and you are desperate to go too and you know your salary and savings are not great, you say I can't afford it.

Does it ring the bell now?
Do you wish to do it anyhow in spite of this excuse. ?
Can you do it? 

Are you willing to do it?

Affirm... I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.
Affirmations serve two different purposes in your life:
1. They retrain your way of thinking
2. You are putting your positive energy into the universe
to tour abundance days.

  Roop Lakhani Consultant, Trainer, Healer
  Mob: +91 98216 12031 
  FB Link:

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