Thursday 28 January 2016

Fear Barrier Session

Have you ever heard of the fear barrier?

You might not know it by name. But, we've all felt it on one level or another.

It might have been a mild discomfort that prevented you from asking someone you were interested in out on a date.

It could have been a more anxiety ridden fear of investing money even though you knew you could make a lot of money.

Or, it could be a phobia like fear of spiders or heights.

But, did you know that you also have unconscious fears? These are fears that are so deeply imbedded in your subconscious mind that you're not even aware you have them.

Without your knowledge, these fears are running your life, keeping you from your dreams.

The thing to remember is that your brain and body processes both conscious and unconscious fears in the same way.

So, if you have an unconscious fear of failure or success, you will unconsciously sabotage opportunities that could help you create your greatest dreams.

To discover the subconscious  fears that has blocked your abundance, success, peace and prosperity, you may book a session with me

Hoping to see you fearless
Roop Lakhani