Friday 15 January 2016

Mind Clearing Kite Flying Exercise

Mind Clearing Kite Flying Exercise
Imagine a colorful kite.♦keep creating bright colors...
Write your  problems on it...write your negative feelings on it...write your unexpressed anger on it....
In your imagination let this kite fly high..very high...high towards the light of Unconditional live and let it get dissolved there...let it happen without any resistance♐
Now let loose the thread of the kite in your minds eye....let you feel light to rise up...let you feel happy unloading sadness, let you feel peaceful unloading anger, let you feel loved unloading the hatred, let you feel compassionate unloading the jealousy, let you feel trusting unloading the doubts, let you feel secured unloading the insecurity...
Open your mind vast and heart ope ..👀
All your problems dont exist anymore..they have gone up in the sky towards The Ultimate Light where it gets dissolved👍
Start fresh..start happy today...start joyful are the best can create the best for yourself and for this earth..🙏
With Great Devotion and Gaiety, With Rays of Joy and Hope, I Wish You and Your Family Happy Makarsankranti.