Monday 11 January 2016

Who Am I Meditation

Today meditate by asking the so-called Soul Questions:
- Who am I?
- What do I want?
- What is my dharma (my purpose in life)?               

The Soul Questions are important because it gives you insights of who you truly are and what you're meant to do in this earthly plane.
You don't have to think about the answers during meditation.

The answers are already part of who you are. And as you retreat into the realms of your inner self, the answers will form in the depths of your subconscious - giving you a clarity of purpose and knowledge of yourself that you didn't know existed.

It's not during meditation when you'll realize the value of this process. It's in the real world, when your eyes are wide open.

Hoping you have found your true self and your purpose...
Roop Lakhani